IC Design Services

Semiconductor design is a highly competitive and dynamic sector, all seeking market-leading performance.At NokshaSemi we provide successful designs to our customers and gain a unique understanding of today's market demands. Our services, built on this expertise, allow us to deliver a comprehensive range of options, including full custom design. Examples of our expertise include:

IC Design Services

Our Expertise Include

  • Circuit Design and Simulation: Precision engineering using advanced simulation tools.
  • Block and Full Chip Layout: Meticulous design balancing efficiency and footprint.
  • Physical Verification: Rigorous processes ensuring design integrity and compliance.
  • Post Layout Simulation: Thorough validation for functionality and optimization.
  • GDSII Release: Meticulous handoff facilitation for seamless production.
  • Foundry Interface: Expertise in interfacing for smooth fabrication processes.
  • Parasitic Extraction: Identifies unintentional resistive, capacitive, and inductive elements